Barefoot Interview #7: USA's Amara

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Amara. Amara is (currently) a 16 year old 10th grade student is born in Alabaster, Alabama and resides in Calera, Alabama. Here is what Amara had to say about being barefoot.

What inspired you to go barefoot?
Because I feel free.

What are some of the reasons you like going barefoot?
Anywhere the ground is cold.

Name some places you like going barefoot.
Maybe the beach.

Where would you like to try and go barefoot that you haven't done so?
Because it allows people to feel less restricted.

Why do you think people should go barefoot more often besides at home and the beach?
I remember being really small and getting out of the pool at my aunt's house and stepping in mud and enjoying the feeling of the mud between my toes. (I remember a time just recently where I went into a Texaco gas station barefoot and the manager didn't say anything and another time when I had went to my granny's house and put my toes in the pond nearby.

Give us a story of a time you went barefoot and had a lot of fun doing it.
I remember a time just recently where I went into a Texaco gas station barefoot and the manager didn't say anything and another time when I had went to my granny's house and put my toes in the pond nearby. The water was extremely cold and it wasn't one of my smartest ideas I should have waited until summer.

Why do you think some stores have banned going barefoot?
Because they believe it's unsanitary.

If possible, please share any of your barefooting experiences.
My barefooting experience has been wonderful. :)

Since going barefoot is healthy, why do you think people deny it?
Because they were raised to believe different.

Finish this analogy: Someone who does not want to go barefoot is like...
...a turtle not coming out of its shell.

What would you say to someone who thinking going barefoot is gross?
Going barefoot is nothing gross or to be ashamed about.

I do thank Amara for taking the time and answering these questions and as well as supporting that going barefoot is actually a good and healthy thing. Tune in next time when someone else in another country talks about their likes on barefooting. Remember, speak your mind and comment down below.


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