Barefoot Interview #22: Jamaica's Sheneek

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Sheneek. Sheneek who is (currently) a 22 year old Customer Care Consultant who was both born and resides in Kingston, Jamaica. Here is what Sheneek had to say about being barefoot.

What inspired you to go barefoot? 
Where I'm from going barefoot is not unusual. I personally chose to go barefoot because I like to feel the earth under my feet.

What are some of the reasons you like going barefoot? 
Going barefoot is a great way for your body to adjust to temperature. So when I wake up early in the morning I room around the place barefoot before heading into the shower. Also, going barefoot doesn't cause smelly feet lol nor those added bacteria that comes with wearing shoes. So sometimes I allow my feet to breathe a little. No girl likes calluses either which most shoes cause.

Name some places you like going barefoot. 
Places I like to go barefoot are parks, at home, the beach, and sometimes at school. I don't really have a favourite place, I just do it.

Where would you like to try and go barefoot that you haven't done so? 
I would like to go barefoot in a different country. I'm not quite sure exactly where yet tho.

Why do you think people should go barefoot more often besides at home and the beach? 
People should go barefoot because simply, it's good for you. Sure no one will want to abandon wearing shoes permanently but kicking them off here and there wont hurt.

Give us a story of a time you went barefoot and had a lot of fun doing it. 
One day some friends and I planned a get together at Emancipation Park. We were all there playing and running around and we were all barefoot. It was an amazing day and we all had fun.

Why do you think some stores have banned going barefoot? 
I think they do this because to them it seems uncivilized. People have gotten so use to wearing shoes that it has become normal so seeing people without shoes is a bit obscene.

Since going barefoot is healthy, why do you think people deny it? 
Because as I stated earlier, wearing shoes has become so normal that people couldn't possibly see themselves with out shoes, I mean who does that?, what would my friends think? The truth is people live for other people, they often do things so that they can impress other people and live in their favour. The few of us who dare to be different are ridiculed but what's a little ridicule for something that you love doing and something that's good for you. If people spent the time reading and finding out things for themselves then this would not be an issue but this world that we live in thrive on hear says.

Finish this analogy: Someone who does not want to go barefoot is like...
The alphabet without letters; devoid a nonexistent.

What would you say to someone who thinking going barefoot is gross?
Stop listening to what other people say to you. Get the facts for yourself. Dare to try it. Wearing shoes is more gross than going barefoot. Odors and calluses are testament to that. So the next time you think that going barefoot is gross, think about your feet going into shoes.

I do thank Sheneek for taking the time and answering these questions and as well as supporting that going barefoot is actually a good and healthy thing. Tune in next time when someone else in another country talks about their likes on barefooting. Remember, speak your mind and comment down below.


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