Barefoot Interview #18: South Germany's Toby 2

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talk to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the returning barefoot interviewee, Toby (originally from South Germany) from a previous interview. Here is a short, and second, interview with Toby.

What do you think are some health benefits for going barefoot?

* You can feel the ground. Your feet are very sensitive like your hands and if you get used to walking barefoot it's not painful, just a wonderful feeling to touch all the different surfaces.

* Your feet don't overheat and won't sweat as much; no unpleasant smell.

* You can walk more naturally, shoes are usually stiff and forcing your feet into a shape, they are much more flexible than that.

* You can walk silently if you assume the forefoot walking style.

* No danger of blisters where feet rub against shoes.

* It's practical not to worry about shoes (putting them on and off, shoelaces go loose, etc.)

* It helps feet get stronger and improves your sense of awareness.

I do thank Toby for taking the time and answering these questions  (in the form of a letter) and as well as supporting that going barefoot is actually a good and healthy thing. Tune in next time when someone else in another country talks about their likes on barefooting. Remember, speak your mind and comment down below.


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