
Showing posts from February, 2016

Tongue Twister #29

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Bam Van Fam Man

Educational Haiku #29

Deck of Cards Education's just Like a deck of cards; all Differently useful.

Barefoot Interview #25: USA's James #2

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome returning barefoot interviewee, James from Wisconson, USA. This is a continued list of what his reasons and health benefits to go barefoot (while in college). What are some great tips/health benefits to be barefoot while in college? + Keeps you cooler in warm months -- depending on your college and specific building, air conditioning can be iffy at times + Lets you splash through fountains, reflection pools, puddles, mud, etc + Lets you curl up under a tree or on the lawn to study without having to take off shoes, then put them back on + In

Tongue Twister #28

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Rite Fright Rit Right Fight

Educational Haiku #28

Writing Education's just Like writing; always need a Pen and some paper.

Barefoot Interview #24: USA's James

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, James from Wisconson, USA. This is a list of what his reasons and health benefits to go barefoot (while in college). What are some health benefits for going barefoot while in college?  + Comfort + Foot musculoskeletal health + Foot microbial health (shoes are incubators for a veritable sludge of bacteria and fungus so overwhelming it can often be smelled from some distance) + Foot nail health (fewer issues like ingrown nails, torn nails, etc) + Joint health + Sanitation (shoes track germs, feces, etc wi

Tongue Twister #27

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Tom Mom Tim Mom

Educational Haiku #27

Prager University Education's like Prager University; Always speaking truth.

Barefoot Interview #23: Jamaica's Ashley

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Ashley . Ashley who is (currently) a 13 year old student who was both born and resides in St. Andrew, Jamaica. Here is what Ashley had to say about being barefoot in the form of a letter. Hello, I am Ashley; I'm currently a 13 year old student from St. Andrew, Jamaica. What inspired me to go barefoot (not fully but sometimes) is the health benefits. I actually read about the health benefits online and they were actually good. Another reason is that it feels natural. When I'm at home, I sometimes ditch my sl

Tongue Twister #26

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: First Thirst

Educational Haiku #26

Alonzo Lerone Education's like Alonzo Lerone; Helpful, Funny and healthy.

Barefoot Interview #22: Jamaica's Sheneek

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Sheneek . Sheneek who is (currently) a 22 year old Customer Care Consultant who was both born and resides in Kingston, Jamaica. Here is what Sheneek had to say about being barefoot. What inspired you to go barefoot?  Where I'm from going barefoot is not unusual. I personally chose to go barefoot because I like to feel the earth under my feet. What are some of the reasons you like going barefoot?  Going barefoot is a great way for your body to adjust to temperature. So when I wake up early in the morning I ro

Tongue Twister #25

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Chugga Bugga Wugga Fugga

Educational Haiku #25

TheRunawayGuys Education's like Youtube's TheRunawayGuys; Smart and comical.

Barefoot Interview #21: Netherlands' Jolanda

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Jolanda . Jolanda who is a creative and pagan barefooter from Burgum, Nederlands and born in 1986. Here is what she had to say about being barefoot. Do you have any barefooting recommendations? If you are not yet comfy with being barefoot everywhere you do so ie. you are still very self conscious about it, somehow people notice this and are more likely to comment on it. It even seems to me that the level of self-consciousness is instigating the amount of the more negative comments. If in college, then I know fe

Tongue Twister #24

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Chimp Champ Chimp Chomp Chump Champ Chump

Educational Haiku #24

Textbooks Education's just Like textbooks; start with questions And leave with answers.

Barefoot Interview #20: Indonesia's Ilfa 2

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting and even getting other things as well.  This is the second post of  Ilfa , who was born in Medan, Indonesia and resides in Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. Here is actually a poem Ilfa wrote about going barefoot.  Ilfa says that "this is my poem about "Life" tell about the struggle for the future and as well as the struggle of life to feel good and bad".  Life I walked down time would not be sure when it will come. Search for traces of the missing, but the trail was half of the soles of bare feet. Sunshine so close seemed to enter

Tongue Twister #23

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Laugh Label Love Like Lance

Educational Haiku #23

WWE Education's like WWE; Anything happens.

Barefoot Interview #19: USA's BarefootGirlyGirl

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Barefootgirlygirl . She is (currently) a 16 year old 10th grade high school student; she was born in Chicago, Illinois and resides in Jupier, Florida. Here is what Barefootgirlygirl had to say about being barefoot. What inspired you to go barefoot? Well, I've always been a barefoot/flip flops type of girl but one summer at a concert my flip flop broke so I spent the rest of the concert barefoot. I loved the feel, the looks and even the freedom. What are some of the reasons you like going barefoot?  Well, I h

Tongue Twister #22

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Lugia Luigi Lucas

Educational Haiku #22

Mario or Luigi Education's like Mario or Luigi; Happy or afraid.

Barefoot Interview #18: South Germany's Toby 2

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talk to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the returning barefoot interviewee,  Toby  (originally from South Germany) from a previous interview. Here is a short, and second, interview with Toby. What do you think are some health benefits for going barefoot? * You can feel the ground. Your feet are very sensitive like your hands and if you get used to walking barefoot it's not painful, just a wonderful feeling to touch all the different surfaces. * Your feet don't overheat and won't sweat as much; no unpleasant smell. * You can walk more naturally, shoes are usually stiff and f

Tongue Twister #21

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Sam Samus Sammy

Educational Haiku #21 Education's just Like; every One does what they like.

Barefoot Interview #17: USA's Diamond

If I have to There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Diamond . She is (currently) a 17 year old high school student; she was born in Montgomery, Alabama and resides in Prattville, Alabama. Here is what Diamond had to say about being barefoot. What inspired you to go barefoot? I've always loved walking around barefoot as a child. It was very soothing and comfortable for me, and I always felt like it was something I should do normally. When I first saw my immediate family walking around the house, the backyard, the front porch, or around the pool baref

Tongue Twister #20

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Sweet Switching Swiss Swine

Educational Haiku #20

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Education's just Like the game Sonic Boom: Rise Of Lyric: awkward.

Barefoot Interview #16: Italy's Alessio

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talking to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Alessio . He is an electronic engineer that ended up with working as a sales assistant in a store; he was born in Voghera (PV) - Italy and resides in Tortona (AL) - Italy. Here is what Marco had to say about being barefoot. What inspired you to go barefoot? I've been hating constrictive shoes for years and started to wear flip flops all years around awhile back until I stepped into "The barefoot book" by Daniel Howell Ph.D. that completely enlighten me about the benefits and the pleasure of going bare

Tongue Twister #19

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Math Myth Moth

Educational Haiku #19

PayPal Education's just Like PayPal; you can withdraw Or just deposit.