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Foot vs. Feet

This is just basically saying a certain difference between someone who likes going barefoot and someone who just likes feet. Some people like going barefoot. Some people like just like feet. So, why are people confusing the two? Let's talk about that. When you like going barefoot, then you are liking its health benefits, which there are hundreds of health benefits. Some of them include that your feet have better traction than flip-flops, to avoid shoe-related ailments, get rid of mystery aches and pains, saves you money on shoes, etc. But remember, always looks where you step. Some people have done it all their life and started when they were young and still go barefoot to let their feet be free. When you like feet, just really like feet. I doubt there are actually health benefits to liking feet. Anyways, liking feet is mainly found in men and (secretly) in some women as well. Some, like people who like going barefoot, have like them ever since they were

Updating Everything on Wattpad

Hello everyone, First off, I do apologize for not posting for a year and a half; I was not getting many responses for the Barefoot Interviews section. By the way, I have been getting a message about " European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent. " However, I have updated everything as of right now on Wattpad. If you do not have a Wattpad account, then I would recommend creating a Wattpad account to follow me on Wattpad and continue reading all of my contents in the form of books. My Wattpad Account: A Barefooter's Interviews: 37 Educational Haikus: The Tenacious Tongue Twisters:

Barefoot Interview #37: Malaysia's Lea

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talk to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Lea ,   who is friends with both barefoot interviewees,  Jeria  and  Shira . She is (currently) a 17-year-old student (and in his final year) who is currently a Year 11 high school student; she was both born and resides in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Here is what Lea had to say about being barefoot. What inspired you to go barefoot? There's nothing inspires me to go barefoot actually. But I find it's fun to go barefoot, somehow. Because it reminds me of my childhood. Where kids don't care about wearing

Barefoot Interview #36: Australia's Steve

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talk to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Steve . He is (currently) a 21-year-old student (and in his final year) who is currently working part time in retailing; she was both born and resides in Victoria, Australia. Here is what Steve had to say about being barefoot. What inspired you to go barefoot?  Ever since I was a kid I loved being barefoot. What are some of the reasons you like going barefoot? It feels good, better physically for you, looks good and is fun. Name some places you like going barefoot.  Hardware store, shopping centres, supermarkets. R

Barefoot Interview #35: Malaysia's Jaynessa

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talk to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Jaynessa . She is (currently) an 19-year-old student who is currently waiting for offers from universities; she was both born and resides in Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia. Here is what Jaynessa had to say about being barefoot. What inspired you to go barefoot? I'm always barefoot indoors. It's normal here. What inspired me to be barefoot outdoors, is the curiosity of how the ground feels beneath my feet. What are some of the reasons you like going barefoot? Although people kept saying that shoes protects your f

Barefoot Interview #34: USA's Jazmine

There are many different people from all over the world who like going barefoot. Some people like doing it as a hobby. On the other hand, other people who go barefoot as a tradition or as a part of their culture. Apparently, there are many who like going barefoot are unable to share their stories. So, this will be a long interviewing series and talk to people who are from all over and let them speak about their barefooting. So, welcome the newest barefoot interviewee, Jazmine . She is (currently) an 18-year-old college freshman wanting to major in music production; she was born in Roanoke, Virginia and resides in Salem, Virginia. Here is what Jazmine had to say about being barefoot. What inspired you to go barefoot?   My family inspired me to go barefoot. Seeing as I’m from the country, we tend to not wear shoes that often. What are some of the reasons you like going barefoot?  I like going barefoot because it feels relaxing to feel the Earth underneath your feet. It makes me fe

Tongue Twister #37

See how many times you can say this tongue twister: Six Slacks Six Snacks

Educational Haiku #37

Stolls Education's just Like stools; may be tall, short, or Even pricey.